give your new pet the healthiest start
Pre-Adoption Testing
Know More, Worry Less
Peace of Mind Pet Screening
Before adoption (or before anesthesia if surgery is needed), our veterinarians perform a full physical exam. However, some health issues cannot be detected through an exam alone. Peace of Mind Pet Screening helps uncover hidden medical conditions and gives your pet the healthiest start in their new life with you. Any pre-adoption testing add-ons must be selected and paid for prior to the adoption being finalized.
Blood Testing
Healthy Start Panel $70
Screens for diabetes, liver disease, and kidney disease
Comprehensive Wellness Panel $85
Includes everything in the Healthy Start Panel, PLUS detection of anemia, infection, and inflammation
Ultimate Health Screen $100
Includes everything from the Comprehensive Wellness Panel, PLUS evaluation of the liver’s ability to process anesthesia safely and electrolyte levels
Genetic Testing
If your pet is undergoing surgery, declining pre-anesthetic bloodwork increases surgical risks. The York County SPCA is not responsible for any complications related to undiagnosed health conditions.
From Adoption Day Forward
Post-Adoption Support
We believe in providing comprehensive support to our adopters long after they take their new furry family member home.
Our post-adoption resources provide additional information on understanding common diseases, adoption aftercare, and knowing how to help your new pet properly decompress and settle into their new home.